Thursday, April 9, 2009

Totally Modal

I encourage everyone who is a musician to use different modes in their music. I keep forgetting that there are (at least) four other modes that can be used apart from the more common mixolydian, ionian, and aeolian modes. With the strange array of influences that Icarus Aquanaut draws from, I think that our band could likely pull ideas wholecloth from these other modes.

Guitar solos oftentimes deviate from the mode that the rest of a song is in.  For example, you may have a song in A-minor with a guitar solo that has sharps and flats scattered throughout it.  A-minor has no sharps and flats, so this guitar solo would be considered separate from the mode. Most songs don't follow one mode entirely.

I did some research.

Icarus Aquanaut's "What's Left Come Morning"

SimulacraRock -- B mixolydian with a guitar solo that deviates with augmented intervals
Ghost in the Red Room -- D ionian
Kite -- G ionian
Dear Justine (album version) -- This song is a stranger beast than you might think.
Intro/verse -- E ionian, heavy emphasis on G# chord as a major third
Chorus -- A aeolian with chords outside of the mode
Bridge/etc -- E ionian.  Root is not played in the first half.  G# chord is now a minor third.  Last half is same as intro/verse.
Honey -- E ionian
Angel Song
Intro/verse -- E ionian
Chorus -- D ionian
Solo -- E ionian with a guitar solo that deviates from the mode
Hero -- A aeolian with an E major chord, guitar solo that deviates with augmented and diminshed intervals, ends on a Piccardi third
Of Explaining -- B ionian, some chords that deviate
End of the World -- practically atonal (I really don't have the time to sit down and chart out what possible mode it could be in)
Dreaming With The Upsides Down -- Chorus is A aeolian, verses are C mixolydian.  Bridge is C mixolydian.

1 comment:

  1. Of Explaining has verses that are mostly Mixolydian, with a couple of oddities, followed by signigicant deviation in the chorus parts. I think. note the A major chord in a mode of B.
